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What is my level of Italian language?

Pure Beginners:
From scratch or with little knowledge of greetings, personal information and the odd word.

Post Beginners / Lower Intermediate
Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions in Italy. Manages introductions and essential tasks like shopping and can ask straightforward questions or explain personal details about their lives such as where they live, what career they do, how many children they have etc. Interacts in a simple way with Italians and prefers that the other person talks clearly and slowly. A Post beginner is grateful for help and assistance along the way!
Understands the main points in familiar and regular conversations such as work, leisure and family.

Colorful Boat Ride


Able to describe and converse in present, past and future tense. Can deal with most situations that may arise with travelling in Italy. Can produce simple sentences on topics that are familiar and interesting. Able to give reasoning and explanations to opinions and plans.

Upper Intermediate:

Is able to understand the main ideas when spoken to on complex topics and abstract topics. This may include areas of specialism and detailed technical knowledge. In conversation with Italians, the upper intermediate learner has a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes the discussion easy and relaxed for both parties. Can produce detailed sentences on a range of subjects as well as giving rationales for different viewpoints.



Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts or articles and recognise subtle implicit meanings from the author. In conversation with Italians, the advanced learner expresses fluently and spontaneously without searching for expressions. Able to communicate in an effective way for work, social and academic purposes- and able to produce detailed structured sentences for technical purposes. Language structures of advanced learners include cohesive devices, patterns and connectors.

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